Friday, March 30, 2012

'Hellfighters' To The Rescue In Potentially Disastrous Gas Leak

Friday, March 30, 2012

LONDON, March 30 (Reuters) - Wild Well Control, a company that helped tackle the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and Kuwait's raging oil fires, have joined efforts to avert disaster at a leaking gas platform off Scotland, rig operator Total said.
FDA Reaches Decision On BPA Petition
Firefighters Race To Contain Colorado Wildfire
Will You Turn Off The Lights Tomorrow?
Nebraska Lawmakers Advance Keystone XL Bill
Mark Ruffalo Slams Fracking On 'Colbert Report'
Tim Hanstad: Catalytic Potential of Land Rights
Sweeping change is often sparked by the most unlikely, seemingly small, ideas and items. This week at the Skoll Forum in Oxford, 1,000 people from around the world have been given a sneak peek at the newest of them.
Elliott Negin: What's Worse than Early Spring? Early Spring Followed by a Freeze
When I recently cautioned that we shouldn't be so giddy about warmer-than-normal temperatures in March, people called me a killjoy, a wet blanket, a nattering nabob of negativism, and worse. I now have more bad news.
Robert Walker: Living on Planet Duggar
Let's hope that Michelle Duggar knows vastly more about population and resources than all those scientists at "Planet under Pressure," a conference aimed at finding solutions to climate change and the challenge of feeding another 2.3 billion people by 2050.
Maggie Koerth-Baker: Does Earth Hour Do More Harm Than Good?
The solutions to our energy problems don't start with individuals shutting the lights off at home. They start with public policy -- the only force that can actually change how the infrastructure and shared systems work.
Daniel Wagner: Carbon Taxes and Global Decision-Making
The European Union's decision to impose a carbon levy on air travel to Europe had the best of intentions but provoked howls of protest. The conundrum now facing the EU emphasizes the myriad of interdependencies and impacts that today transcend borders.

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Goodby Canadian Penny!.. Least Healthy Dishes At Restaurants.. 'Win A Baby' Contest

Friday, March 30, 2012
After the Canadian government's announcement yesterday during the federal budget that they will stop minting pennies in the fall of 2012, we got to thinking -- just what does the penny mean to us?
The Best And Worst Options For Your Health At Restaurants
Couple 'Wins' Baby In Radio Station Contest
The Essential Purge: Getting Rid Of The Ex's Stuff
Is Diet Soda Evil? The Whole Story
Books Every Woman Should Read
Anya Strzemien: How We're Paying For Putting Ourselves Down (And Why We'll Pay For You To Say Something Nice!)
Even though I'm not normally one for saccharine self-affirmations and cheesy platitudes, I want to use the comments section of this post to flip the script and ask you all to say something positive about yourselves.
BritChick Paris: Why Being a Parent Today Is a Job in Itself
An iPad will never replace mum or dad reading a book before bedtime. McDonalds never as yummy as a home cooked dinner. Being told off is better than being ignored. Kids deserve more and parents need to step up and be counted. It is time to get back to the basics of what it means to be a mum or a dad.
Beverley Golden: Once a Collector, Always a Collector
So what are the differences between being a collector vs. being a hoarder? Both involve assigning special value to your possessions. Some people jokingly have referred to my kind of collecting as hoarding, as I like to keep things that have sentimental value to me. Kind of like a human pack rat accumulating memories.
Dr. Susanne Bennett: Are These Common Foods Causing Your Allergies?
According to the American Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology, approximately 40 million Americans suffer from allergies, with four million workdays lost annually due to hay fever alone.
Tracey Scharmann: What It's Like to Stay Home from War
I don't know what it's like to go to war, but I know what it's like to stay home from war. I know what it's like to watch your husband on the tarmac---heave over, putting his hands on his knees only lifting his head to sob on my shoulder before he takes off.

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

FDA Close To Critical Decision On BPA

Thursday, March 29, 2012
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is expected to decide by Saturday whether to continue allowing bisphenol-A (BPA) in food and beverage containers, Americans' main source of exposure to the chemical implicated in everything from asthma to diabetes.
North Sea Platform Leaking Gas Raises Concerns
Deadly Mine Blast Developments
Activist Out Of Isolation Unit
Pesticides Harm Bees, Study Says
Is Antarctica Cracking Apart?
Adrianna Quintero: EPA Takes a Key Step Towards a Cleaner, Healthier Future
Our communities need clean air to thrive and innovation from new state of the art power plants will provide new opportunities for us to work towards a brighter future.
Paul Douglas: A Message From a Republican Meteorologist on Climate Change
I'm going to tell you something that my Republican friends are loath to admit out loud: climate change is real. But my climate epiphany wasn't overnight, and it had nothing to do with Al Gore.
Heather Pilatic: Widely-Used Pesticides Killing Bees
Pesticides are prevalent, persistent and more scientists confirm everyday that they are making bees sick (or dead). The sad truth? Beekeepers have been sounding this alarm from the ground for years. Would that we had listened.
Sarah Chasis: Drilling Our Atlantic Coast
Some of the most mysterious and enthralling places on Earth may be next in line for oil and gas drilling.
Bob Elton: How Can Canada Develop Its Energy Riches to Build a Great Future?
The question for Canada should not need to be limited to: How can we develop energy resources? Instead, we should ask: How can our energy resources best help us to build a competitive economy and a great society for generations to come?

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