Thursday, March 29, 2012

FDA Close To Critical Decision On BPA

Thursday, March 29, 2012
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is expected to decide by Saturday whether to continue allowing bisphenol-A (BPA) in food and beverage containers, Americans' main source of exposure to the chemical implicated in everything from asthma to diabetes.
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Deadly Mine Blast Developments
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Pesticides Harm Bees, Study Says
Is Antarctica Cracking Apart?
Adrianna Quintero: EPA Takes a Key Step Towards a Cleaner, Healthier Future
Our communities need clean air to thrive and innovation from new state of the art power plants will provide new opportunities for us to work towards a brighter future.
Paul Douglas: A Message From a Republican Meteorologist on Climate Change
I'm going to tell you something that my Republican friends are loath to admit out loud: climate change is real. But my climate epiphany wasn't overnight, and it had nothing to do with Al Gore.
Heather Pilatic: Widely-Used Pesticides Killing Bees
Pesticides are prevalent, persistent and more scientists confirm everyday that they are making bees sick (or dead). The sad truth? Beekeepers have been sounding this alarm from the ground for years. Would that we had listened.
Sarah Chasis: Drilling Our Atlantic Coast
Some of the most mysterious and enthralling places on Earth may be next in line for oil and gas drilling.
Bob Elton: How Can Canada Develop Its Energy Riches to Build a Great Future?
The question for Canada should not need to be limited to: How can we develop energy resources? Instead, we should ask: How can our energy resources best help us to build a competitive economy and a great society for generations to come?

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