Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mine Disaster Survivors 'Can't Move Forward'

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. (AP) — Nine men who survived West Virginia's Upper Big Branch mine disaster want to abandon mediation of their personal injury claims and start gathering evidence for trial because they say the mine's new owner isn't negotiating in good faith.

Busy Year For Gulf Oil Drilling
Deadly Bat Fungus Origin Traced
Another U.S. Pipeline Proposal
Home Lawns Could Threaten Salmon
Lights, Camera, Shale Gas Boom
Paul Douglas: Combating Tornado Fatigue: A Proposal for "Tornado Alerts" and "Tornado Emergencies"
2012-04-10-Screenshot20120410at2.34.55PM.pngRecent studies confirm that most of us don't do the right thing until we have multiple confirmations, from different sources, that the threat of a tornado is real, and relevant.
Gary H. Cohen: Linking Healthy Hospitals with Healthy Communities and a Healthy Planet
A healthy environment is not a luxury item. It is an essential human right. We not only need to defend our air, our water, our food supply, our homes and communities, we need to defend the first environment -- the bodies of our families, our children and grandchildren.
Peter Jay Brown: Confessions of an Eco-Terrorist -- Governing the Environmental Revolution
We humans are merely passengers on the spaceship Earth. We produce nothing important for a healthy planet, but certainly spare no expense at taking what we need and then some. We are the ultimate planetary narcissists.
Jan Mazurek: The Climate Post: Obama Moves Ahead With Oil Sanctions as Gas Prices Climb
Oil prices have climbed this year amid lingering tensions with Iran, with the price of gas now averaging around $3.92 a gallon -- and experts are warning more increases are on the way. Back home in their districts, legislators are using oil prices to fuel campaign rhetoric.
Rebecca Tarbotton: Top 10 Dirty Corporate Tax Dodgers of 2011
Bottom-line, these dirty corporations don't need any more handouts, bailouts, or subsidies. Our country does not have a money problem; it has a priorities problem.

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