Thursday, April 12, 2012

Students Forced To Sing Anthem?.. National Grilled Cheese Day.. How Much Do You Tip?

Thursday, April 12, 2012
Singing out loud can be a nerve-racking experience, but if one Toronto school trustee gets her way, some Toronto students may be forced to do just that.
National Grilled Cheese Day: 17 Sexiest Grilled Cheese Sandwiches (PHOTOS)
#popsingersdonteat: Lady Gaga Tweets About Not Eating, Offends Followers
Vagina 'Brightener': Indian Feminine Hygiene Product
How Much Do You Tip?
Even With IVF Technology, Woman's Biological Clock Still Ticks: Study
Susan Inman: Stop Blaming Me for my Daughter's Mental Illness
As the parent of someone with a severe schizoaffective disorder, I'm used to being viewed with suspicion. Even with recent decades of robust research in neuroscience, parental caregivers soon learn that their interactions with the mental health system will be filled with blame.
Joshua Ostroff: Are Crunchy Parents Clueless?
I hadn't even heard of the term "crunchy parenting" before my wife suggested it for a column. But celebs like Alicia Silverstone and Mayim Bialik are bringing its fringe philosophy, also known as "attachment parenting," into the spotlight. (Though not entirely interchangeable terms, think of crunchy parenting and attachment parenting like hip-hop and rap -- the former includes the latter, but is also more expansive in scope.)
Michael Keene: No Manly Man, No Cry
Its shameful that anyone would give another human a hard time for crying. It's one of hardest things in the world to do. Forgetting the whole gender role kerfuffle, crying is terrifying. It leaves you completely vulnerable to everyone around you, you lose control of your own body and you get boogers. Crying sucks.
Riley Rearden: Vegetarian Diet for a Better Mood?
Can eating meat be detrimental for your mood and mental health? Is there a reason that your vegetarian friend is so energetic and cheerful all the time? The latest nutrition research suggests there may be scientific validity to these observations.
Juliet Jeske: Removing the Stigma of Divorce
Are we supposed to feel like failed people because our partners made it impossible for us to stay in our marriages? Are we emotionally weak or deficient? Are we morally bankrupt?

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