Wednesday, July 18, 2012

America's Best BBQ Cities, Grilled Cheesus, Alternative Chick-Fil-A Sandwich And More

Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Few topics inspire as much fiery passion as barbecue. The style may vary across the country, but two ingredients remain the same throughout: smoke and meat, a powerful combination that's enticed eaters since ancient times. Today, barbecue is a deeply rooted part of American culture, with regional 'cue preferences speaking to a city's history, geography and taste. Here, Food & Wine highlights America's best BBQ cities.
WATCH: Try The 'Pro-Gay' Chick-Fil-A Alternative Sandwich
Food Informants: A Week In The Life Of Chocolate Maker Shawn Askinosie's Trip To Africa
Grilled Cheesus Sandwich Press Features Jesus In Toast Form
Vodka-Like Drink Called 'Air' To Be Sold In Beer Aisle
Major Retailer Targeted In Gestation Crate Investigation
Vickery Eckhoff: Proposed Missouri Horse Slaughterhouse Mired In Lawsuits, Fraud Claims
A Missouri horse slaughterhouse will open by summer's end, its major proponent has declared in dozens of news reports over the last month. Except it won't.
Glen Martin: A Middle Way
My wife's family farm in the Phillipines isn't agribusiness. But it isn't organic farming either. It follows a middle way that contains elements of both models, but closely resembles neither.
Janice Harper: How to Cook if You Don't Cook
What works for experienced cooks is not going to work for kitchen-resistant cooks. So here's my advice to people who don't cook.
Gretchen Rubin: Want a Great Meal? Try One of These 3 Combinations for 'Perfection'
I love the fact that M.F.K. Fisher, author of The Art of Eating, sings the praises of eating alone on a couch. Am I the only one who loves that kind of meal? I like eating alone on a hill side, too, but that's a bit harder to pull off.
Lorraine Devon Wilke: Chicken With a Side of Bigotry: Chick-fil-A's Ungodly Business Plan
Chick-fil-A makes a chicken sandwich so good that footballer Cassanova McKinzy chose a college based on the proximity of said sandwich. So good that some people drive miles to imbibe. So good that God said only straight people can eat them. Wait... what?

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