"I before e, except after c." If you've ever repeated this rhyme to yourself, you know all about the mental spell-check required before sending out messages. But these days, spelling has become shorter and more concise, as we find ourselves using 'u,' 'ur' and relying on auto-correct. But this doesn't mean we should put our heavy dictionaries away -- the benefits of spelling are endless. BLOG POSTS | Colette Kenney: So You Want to Open Up Your Marriage... So, you're happily married. Really, truly! But you meet someone who just...pushes your buttons. Ever consider a polyamorous relationship? Opening up your marriage to the possibility of another partner can be very complicated, but rewarding -- as long as the lines of communication stay open, and honesty is the focal point. | | Sara Zborovski: Food Allergies? Shopping's About to Get a Lot Easier Did you know there are at least 17 "other" names for eggs, 12 for milk and eight for peanuts that are commonly used in food labels? Effective August 4, all Canadian food labels have to clearly indicate if the product contains one of the most common food allergens or gluten. And even better -- the labels have to disclose common names of the allergen, like milk, eggs, soy, etc. Can you hear that? That's the collective sigh of relief from food allergy sufferers and people with gluten intolerances! | | Karen Cleveland: I Rejected a Good Date Because He's a Bad Kisser For some time, I have been wallowing in the awkwardness of a moment. It took a little while to wrap my head around what happened, and reflect on the situation. I kissed the world's worst kisser. Pity, it was otherwise such a good date. | | Aviva Rubin: What Does "Having it All" Mean for Men? Jim Power, school principal of the elite all-male Upper Canada College (UCC), recently wrote that boys need to know they can't have it all either. The fathers Power meets talk about the pressure they're under -- how they badly want to find time to watch their child "master a new acrobatic trick," that they often experience a "tug at their hearts that they keep to themselves." What about the other 99.99 per cent of parenting responsibilities? The gains of feminism redefined "all" for women, and with it the game plan. But "all" has never needed to change for men. I'd argue that for women "all" means what women have plus what men have. For men "all" is what other men have. We all need to redefine "all" -- and it will always include the good, the bad and the smelly. | | Gary Joseph: The Divorce Law Biz Is Booming And Here's Why We are marrying less. Our divorce rate continues to climb (notwithstanding Statistics Canada's claims to the contrary). What's going on? In my 35th year of practice, I am witnessing what I believe to be a tidal wave of change in our views and attitudes towards marriage and divorce. | | MOST POPULAR ON HUFFINGTONPOST.CA |
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