Friday, August 3, 2012

Are Canadians Waiting Longer For Drugs?.. 8 Sex Problems.. 5 Recipes To Stay Cool

Friday, August 3, 2012
Canadians seeking new cancer drugs have a longer wait time than those in the United States or Europe, a new report from the Fraser Institute revealed this week.

"Access to New Oncology Drugs in Canada Compared with the United States and Europe" by Dr. Nigel Rawson showed that of 33 new oncology drugs introduced between 2003 and 2011, 30 were approved in the United States, 26 in Europe, and 24 in Canada.

But it goes beyond just accepting new options for treatment. Median review times for new drugs in Canada were almost double that of the U.S. (Europe had the longest review time, at 410 days), and time to market was, on average, 18 months behind the United States.

Eight Common Sex Problems And How To Solve Them
5 Recipes To Stay Cool This Summer
Got An Allergy? Canada's Food Labels Are Changing
The Truth About the Five-Second Rule
'Intactivists' To Protest Circumcision Practice In Vancouver This Weekend
Jason Tetro: London 2012: The Most Hygienic Games Ever?
2012-07-25-olympicbanner.png There has been one more bombshell occurring in London -- though it hasn't quiet made the same kind of headlines as Ye Shiwen . In contrast to all the prognostication of infectious diseases outbreaks and epidemics that could potentially lead to a pandemic, including my own, the reality is that germs have played almost no role at the Games.
Harriet Sugar-Miller: Can Flaxseed Stave off Breast Cancer?
Know anyone who has breast cancer? Doing your best to avoid it? Then consider this: Studies are showing that flaxseed can protect against breast cancer and prolong survival in women who have it. For more than 20 years, the grande dame of flaxseed research, Dr. Lilian Thompson of the University of Toronto, has been studying the effects of flaxseed on cancer, especially in the breast.
Emma Gray: 25 Things I Know Now That I'm 25
As of Tuesday, I've been around for a quarter-century. I can no longer claim to be in my "early 20s." And I'm pretty sure I can glimpse 30 just over the horizon (or maybe that's just nearly-30 HuffPost Women Editor Margaret Wheeler Johnson, sitting at the desk next to me).
Sue Scott: How You can Have Your Healthy Environment and Eat Farmed Salmon Too
A partnership between two freshwater conservation institutions is producing healthy, unstressed farmed salmon without vaccines, harsh chemicals, and antibiotics in closed-containment freshwater facilities on land. The goal is to give fish farmers and regulators the opportunity to choose a different way to grow fish that is, not only better for the environment but better for business, too.
Christie Russell: Would You Leave Your Teen Home Alone?
When my husband and I recently escaped from our four month long home renovations, our teenagers, our two Labrador retrievers and the cold and wet Vancouver weather, we left our 19-year-old son home alone for two weeks. Yes, we had multiple discussions -- he and I, he and his dad and the three of us. Again and again we said: NO PARTIES, remember to take out the garbage, don't spend too much money, look after your sister if she comes home on the weekend, BE GOOD. But still I was nervous...

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