Friday, December 7, 2012

9 Tips For A Stress-Free Office Holiday Party

December 7, 2012
Ah, the office holiday party -- an event full of mixed emotions: Excitement, nerves and certainly stress all come into play when we think about meeting with our coworkers after hours for a celebratory function (and who could forget that infamous karaoke incident from 2010?).

"The office party has a stigma -- that some horrible disaster will occur," says Elizabeth Lombardo, Ph.D., M.S., P.T and author of A Happy You: Your Ultimate Prescription for Happiness. "I think a lot of the time, people think about how something bad is going to happen at the party and it stays in their mind at the party and they can't enjoy it."

The office holiday party does provide a unique stressor that other holiday events may not. Lines can be blurred and boundaries greyed when it comes to what's appropriate. And, we might be extra nervous about presenting ourselves in an out-of-office setting to those who are used to seeing us behind our desks. It's important to remember that people are "generally more concerned about themselves than they are with you," Lombardo says -- meaning that the only person really scrutinizing your every move is, well, you.  Continue reading...
How Nutritionists Really Eat At Holiday Parties

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How to Breathe in Peace
It's a wondrous thing, the way our bodies have been created to be nurtured as we expand with a breath of oxygen and contract by exhaling what the body doesn't need. Go ahead. Give yourself this gift of conscious breathing. Continue reading...
Eggs as Bad as Smoking? Vitamins Linked to Mortality? Making Sense Out of Nutritional Studies With Expert Dr. Alan Gaby
The abundance of nutritional research available certainly gives us food for thought when making decisions regarding diet and nutritional supplementation. It can also lead to confusion due to misleading headlines and questionable interpretations of studies. Continue reading...
How to Lower Stress and Survive the Holidays With Acupuncture
We asked acupuncturists from around the world to share one piece of acupuncture-inspired advice for reducing holiday stress. They had to be self-care tips that can be applied anytime, anywhere, and for free. Here are our 10 favorites. Continue reading...
12 Healthy Gifts of Christmas 2012
It's officially holiday shopping season, and you have about three weeks to find the perfect gift for everyone on your list. Here are 12 great gift ideas, in a variety of price points, for the health-conscious friend or family member in your life. Continue reading...
2013 Will Be the Year of the Liver
I asked Chicago dietician David Grotto: What are some healthy, mainstream must-eat foods that should be on everyone's shiny new grocery list for 2013? Here are his top picks. Continue reading...

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