December 26, 2012 There's been a lot of discussion about the artisanal food renaissance -- think small batch ice cream, fancy pickles or bean-to-bar chocolate. In the same vein, now bread is getting its well-deserved chance in the spotlight. Details magazine has released a feature on America's gourmet bread renaissance for the January 2013 issue. Included is everything from bread pairings (think everything from cheese to duck hearts) to exotic breads and dips (pork butter, anyone?). Continue reading... The Worst Foods We Ate In 2012  Pizza Hut Offers A Pizza On Top Of A Pizza  Starbucks Fiscal Cliff Cup Campaign Urges Lawmakers To 'Come Together' On Deal  | | ADAM SOBEL | | Getting Wonky about Wagyu | I've been lucky to have a lot of fantastic culinary adventures in my career and foremost among them is my trip to the Meat Grading and Auction House in Tokyo, where I saw firsthand the wagyu grading and auction process. It was an incredibly educational -- and delicious -- day. Continue reading... | | ELYSE PASQUALE | | 7 Places to Travel for Food in 2013 | Culinary travel is the next big thing, from cooking classes in Tuscany to street-food tours in Istanbul. So where will you plan your next foodie adventure? Continue reading... | | FRANCES MOORE LAPPE | | My Best Gift, Ever: I Saw the Solution to World Hunger | Where is democracy emerging that's vital, engaging, and empowering enough actually to get to the root of needless hunger? Continue reading... | | | ROHINI DEY | | From the Gut: Skewering the Gastro Ceiling | The vendor strolls in, looks through me, scanning the room quickly for authority; finding none, he turns back, flashing me a bored smile, leaning in much too close. "I'm here to meet the manager, can you get him for me, sunshine?" Continue reading... | | RACHEL LEVINE | | Putting the Fun in Fungiculture, Year-Round | As the mushroom asserted himself, these little woody-fragranced, meaty-fleshed guys are FUN! From the occasional cook to the professional chef, the salubrious spores can be enjoyed by all Continue reading... | |
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