Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Fish Fraud, Food Safety Disasters, New M&M's And More

December 11, 2012
Don't order the white tuna.

That's one big takeaway from the latest major study of fish fraud, this one conducted in New York City by marine conservation group Oceana. The researchers gathered fish samples from local restaurants, grocery stores and fish markets and then used DNA testing to determine whether the meat actually came from the species indicated on the label. Continue reading...
The Worst Food Safety Disasters Of 2012

Restaurateur Guns For TripAdvisor After Negative Reviews

Pink, Purple M&M's Are Coming!

Chefs Stand 500 Strong to Stop Seafood Fraud
We can only prepare and eat safe and sustainable seafood dishes if we are given honest information about how these products are harvested, bought and sold. The current system isn't designed to ensure that accountability is a constant player in seafood production. Continue reading...
Kopi Luwak Needs to Disappear
One of the most common questions I hear when people find out I'm in coffee is, "What's the deal with that cat poop coffee?" You've no doubt heard something about the stuff. Continue reading...
Mayor Cory Booker Shines the Light
The more we openly speak about the high cost of unhealthy food and how it particularly effects the poor, the more likely it is that our government, and each one of us individually, will do something about it. Continue reading...

From around the web

FDA Should Share Data About Livestock on Drugs
To my mind, the most urgent argument for making the data public is that this syndrome of drug misuse in food animals is one cause of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that infect humans. Continue reading...
Congress: Do No Harm to SNAP
At a time when family economic challenges remain significant and the threat of the fiscal cliff looms large, critics contend that SNAP is an unsustainable entitlement. Cutting SNAP is precisely the wrong prescription for our children and the nation's economic recovery. Continue reading...

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