Tuesday, January 29, 2013

30 Things You Decided Aren't Worth Stressing Over

January 29, 2013
It's no secret that too much stress is bad. Research has shown that chronic stress -- as well as poor ability to deal with it -- is associated with heart problems, depression, mood disorders, worse outcomes for cancer patients, and even brain shrinkage.

So in an effort to try to kick some stress to the curb, we asked you to think of one thing you've given up stressing over.  Continue reading...
Why I Go Red In February
Women are being targeted. We are falling prey to a silent enemy. An enemy most of us didn't even know we had. But it has its sights set on us. And in 2010, it was set on me. Continue reading...
Put Down The Phone! Compelling Reasons To Take A Texting Break
While I hope not everyone will have to experience the tremendous loss I dealt with, we all need to take some "me" time and filter out the spam of life. Continue reading...
Where You Won't Find Happiness
Happiness is not dependent on what the number on the scale says or whether you get that promotion at work or marry your college crush. Happiness is the ability to recognize and be okay with the fact that you won't always feel -- well -- happy. Continue reading...
The Most Important Skill You Have (But Are Probably Ignoring)
We know that the key to positively influencing adult behavior lies in getting individuals to practice existing skills in novel contexts. Our solution, therefore, is simple: We must take our existing complex thinking and problem-solving skills and use them more often. Continue reading...
We Tried It: High Kicks With A Rockette
We worked our glutes and core and learned how to get over ourselves -- and threw up a few jazz hands. Continue reading...

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