Monday, January 14, 2013

Costs Mount For Louisiana's Case Against BP

January 14, 2013

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana's attorney general has spent nearly $24 million building the state's legal case against BP over the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, with much of the money paid to outside law firms that have contributed to his campaigns.

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Study Suggests How Climate Damage Could Be Largely Avoided

Government's Surprising Response To Beijing Air Pollution

GMO Debate Rages On After Prop 37 Failure

Another Stumble in the Quest for Arctic Oil
The Department of the Interior must reassess its decisions that allowed Shell to proceed with its plans to drill in such a harsh but ecologically-sensitive area of the world. Continue reading...
Too Rich to Lose Money? AIG, the Takings Clause and the Roberts Court
The Takings Clause made national news last week with the spectacle of AIG playing Hamlet in debating whether "to sue, or not to sue" the federal government over the terms of the company's bailout -- a rather backhanded way of thanking American taxpayers for keeping the company from bankruptcy in 2008. Continue reading...
Leading the Deliberate Life
Does it really matter if you recycle that plastic bottle? Does it matter where you buy your clothes or where they are made? Does taking public transit really make a difference? If you believe that our choices affect our lives and the lives of others, it does. Continue reading...
Promised Land and the Illusion of Choice
Promised Land gets the deeper issue right, the harder truth: for the landowners approached by gas companies and the people in "gasland" there's not really a choice, there's just an illusion of choice. Continue reading...
The Scoop on Your Pet's Poop
Recognizing early changes in your pet's stool quality will allow you to detect and address a problem early, which increases the likelihood of a successful outcome. Continue reading...

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