Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Sierra Club Turns To Civil Disobedience

January 23, 2013

If you could do it nonstop, it would take you six days to walk from Henry David Thoreau's Walden Pond to President Barack Obama's White House. For the Sierra Club, that journey has taken much longer. For 120 years, we have remained committed to using every "lawful means" to achieve our objectives. Now, for the first time in our history, we are prepared to go further.

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Japan: Dancing on the Grave of the Bluefin Tuna
The first bluefin tuna of the year sold in Tokyo has yet again garnered an astronomical price -- encouraging the view of this beleaguered animal as a high-status food when they deserve to stand with the white rhino and the mountain gorilla as a species under our protection. Continue reading...
Declining Iguana Population Signals Trouble in Paradise
Tropical islands brim with wildlife: brightly feathered and boisterous birds, towering palm trees and, of course, scaly lizards. Unfortunately, contrary to popular belief, many lizards are disappearing before our eyes. Continue reading...
Top New Plant Species of Last Year (and the Hottest Job of the Future)
You might think that we could have found all of the plants by now. They don't evade capture or bite you when you catch them. Unlike microbes, they aren't invisible without a lens. Yet, more than 150 new plant species were published in academic journals in 2012. Continue reading...
Just One: How Change Happens
Puppies, kittens, purebred animals alike -- they all suffer when there is no home to take them in and space restrictions mean that the shelter can no longer hold them. But it only takes Just One person to make a difference for them. Continue reading...
Hot Years and Cold Truths: The Past and Future of Climate Legislation
The climate campaign of 2009-2010 didn't lack for corporate boosters, lobbying teams nor policy analysts. What it lacked was public support. Continue reading...

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