Thursday, February 7, 2013

7 Reasons To Turn Off The TV

February 7, 2013
We love Downton Abbey as much as the next red-blooded television owner, but recent news has made us a bit squeamish about plopping down in front of the tube. Sure, there are some benefits to TV viewing: for example, a pair of studies published last September found that watching a rerun of a favorite show could help people muster up willpower and emotional energy.

But on balance, the news isn't good: TV viewing a la American -- meaning 2.5 to three hours per day, according to the latest numbers -- increases risk for diabetes, heart disease, obesity, attention problems and weight gain in children and, well, death.  Continue reading...
Day 3 Of The MyPlate Experiment: The Tyranny Of 'Empty Calories'
I tried incorporating two new normal life things into my MyPlate Experiment: restaurants and cooking for a group. They each presented minor challenges, but not as many as I might have suspected. Continue reading...
How To Shop For Supplements
Supplements are a multi-billion dollar unregulated industry. The wide display of choices in drug stores, food stores, online, and even in doctors' offices can make your head spin! It is more important now than ever to be aware of what you are and are not getting. Continue reading...
13 Foods To Add To Your Diet
Like clothing, music, and celebrities, certain foods come and go in terms of popularity. Here are 13 that may help you improve your health, assist your weight-loss efforts, or just give you the chance to give your taste buds something new! Continue reading...
'I Drank The CrossFit Kool-Aid'
When I was first introduced to CrossFit, I found it to be the hardest workout that I'd ever done. The results that I have seen in my strength and physicality have been unparalleled to any other things I have ever done in my more than 20 years in the fitness business. Continue reading...
Why Mindfulness Should Be Part Of Your Everyday Life
The areas that are exercised when we practice mindfulness have to do with what we call ''direct experience.'' When we're experiencing something directly, we're fully enveloped by whatever we're doing. We are not thinking about the past, the future, or even about ourselves. Continue reading...

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