Friday, February 15, 2013

The Worst Foods For Your Skin

February 15, 2013
We never stop battling with our skin. Just as it seems we've finally conquered acne, it's already time to fight fine lines and wrinkles. And all the while we're navigating SPF and vitamin D -- skin care is certainly tricker than those face wash commercials would have us believe.

Try as we might to find the perfect product for our own unique combination of problematic skin, it turns out we may want to approach skin care from the inside out.

"Every dermatologist will attest that a well-rounded diet will better support a healthy immune system," says Dr. Bobby Buka, a dermatologist in practice in New York City, "and will therefore result in fewer dermatologic conditions of all types."

Yes, what you eat -- and drink -- can keep your exterior in excellent condition. There are foods to keep skin hydrated and soft and foods that protect skin cells from damage (i.e. wrinkles). And there are even foods that might hurt our skin. Continue reading...
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The Problem With Yoga
While the problem with yoga is that it is devoid of myth, its redemption lies in the fact that it will accept fully any myth we bring to it. When we find the mythologies that most resonate with us, we can use them as the container to hold our unfolding practice. Continue reading...
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You can alter the power of fear through life experiences. Fears can lessen or take different form over time, from subsequent life events, experiences, and -- especially -- self-examination. Continue reading...

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