Tuesday, February 5, 2013

'Virgin Mary' Potato Chips, Restaurant Image Changes, Detergent Soda And More

February 5, 2013
Following religious protest, U.K. sandwich chain Pret A Manger has moved to pull its Virgin Mary potato chips from stores.  Continue reading...
10 Restaurant Chains That Are Trying to Change Their Image
Restaurant chains are a lot like the female lead in a teen movie. They don't feel confident unless they've recently gotten a makeover. Continue reading...
Five Reasons Why Burger King's Horse Meat Scandal Could Happen Here
Polish horse meat-contaminated beef patties produced in Ireland and consumed in the UK? Just the tip of the horseberg. The news that Burger King has been selling horsemeat-contaminated Whoppers in the UK comes just before Oklahoma debates making horse slaughter legal. Continue reading...
Taylor Swift: You Are Sweet Enough
Just two weeks ago, Coca-Cola made a big show of "caring" about our country's obesity epidemic, releasing an ad that declared, "We are concerned, we care and we are all in this together." The next week, they announce their successful seduction of Taylor Swift, signing her up to promote Diet Coke. Continue reading...
McDonald's Gives McMuffin A Global Makeover
If McDonald's is serious about importing more menu ideas from its stores around the world then breakfast could become much more interesting. Continue reading...
Ag Gag 2013: A Continued Attempt to Silence Whistleblowers
Mandatory reporting laws are simply wolves dressed in sheep's clothing. They would have a chilling effect on industry whistleblowers, even established long-term employees, who witness serious violations and wish to speak up. Continue reading...

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