Thursday, March 7, 2013

How Toxic Chemicals Are Sneaking Into Your Food, And Your Body

March 7, 2013
Brent Collett already had some inklings about the pervasiveness of hormone-mimicking chemicals such as phthalates and Bisphenol-A (BPA). Continue reading...
Scary Dairy Proposal: Aspartame in Kids' Milk
While the dairy industry thinks we should embrace chemical sweeteners in our kids' milk to win the war against childhood obesity, in my upcoming book, The Omni Diet, I examine the case against drinking milk at all. Continue reading...
Coal Kills -- Time to Kill Coal
The simple take-home message of these reports? Coal kills, and is costing us an arm and a leg (or perhaps more to the point, a heart and a lung). Continue reading...
In Search of a Longer-Lived Dog
We've all had a dog of our heart, a companion with whom we'd like to spend the rest of our days, but even the longest-lived dog will enjoy only about a third of our life spans. In fact, most dogs don't live nearly as long as many other species. Continue reading...
Regulate BPA out the Door
What's wrong with the system? Why don't our regulations prioritize the prevention of chronic health problems due to massive exposures to questionable chemicals? Continue reading...
Wolverines, Polar Bears Need Obama Administration's Help to Survive Climate Crisis
What if your doctor diagnosed your grave sickness but then refused you medicine? That's basically what's happening to wildlife threatened by climate change. Continue reading...

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