Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Keystone XL Risks Harm To Houston Community

March 27, 2013
Plumes of smoke, billowing in various shades from white to black, frequently fill the skies over the Manchester neighborhood of Houston. It's no wonder, said Yudith Nieto, that local children grow up thinking oil refinery stacks are "cloud makers." Continue reading...
A National Security Pipe Dream, Part 1
Would the Keystone XL pipeline make America more secure or less? What contribution would it make, if any, to stabilizing our energy supplies or keeping us out of messes elsewhere in the world? Continue reading...
13 Tips for a More Sustainable Easter Celebration
Easter is approaching, and many people are gearing up to celebrate. As the holiday gets closer, Food Tank: The Food Think Tank wants to share 13 ideas on how to have a more sustainable, eco-friendly Easter. Continue reading...
Why I Had a Tube Shoved Down My Throat on Piccadilly Circus
Why did we set up a tableau that nearly caused London's taxi drivers to crash into each other on one of the city's busiest streets? Because Fortnum & Mason still has the indecency to sell foie gras, a "fancy foodstuff" that causes so much suffering that it is illegal to produce it in the U.K. Continue reading...
Fracking vs. Democracy: State Laws Subvert Home Rule and Property Rights
One of the most fascinating and disturbing issues that comes up again and again around fracking is the multitude of exemptions and entitlements that have been handed to the industry at the expense of citizens. Continue reading...
37 Years From Now
A lack of gender equality is limiting our ability to achieve sustainable development, as we consistently underuse and undervalue the contribution of half of the population. Mothers know this. Continue reading...

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