Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Whole Foods, Others To Shun Genetically Modified Seafood

March 20, 2013

By Lisa Baertlein

March 20 (Reuters) - Whole Foods Market Inc, Trader Joe's and other food retailers representing more than 2,000 U.S. stores have vowed not to sell genetically engineered seafood if it is approved in the United States, a new advocacy group said on Wednesday.
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Putting Our Money Where Our Mouth Is
If you are reading this, you likely know I left a highly-successful, self-titled show at MSNBC last June in search of meaning and purpose in my work and life. I had lost both after 18 years in Manhattan, and It was a three-tour Iraq combat Marine and his war-protestor wife who pointed me in a new direction. Continue reading...
Parenting Under Polluted Skies
Before the thick blanket of smog choking Beijing lifted in early February, it had been more than three weeks since I'd seen the sun and even longer since I felt safe enough to walk outside without a surgical mask covering my nose and mouth. Continue reading...
India's Power Slipping Away?
Every Independence Day, the Indian prime minister highlights the need for more electricity and reduction in losses. Despite his promises, energy woes are strangulating the country. Manmohan Singh perhaps forgets that his obsession with power was precisely what won him power in 2009. Continue reading...
I Say Tomahto, You Say Exploitation
What's the quickest way to get thrown out of a Publix supermarket? Is it a) to run naked through the aisles, b) to point and yell 'horsemeat!' at the deli counter or c) to query the manager about whether workers picking tomatoes are treated as well as she'd like. In my case, it was option c). Continue reading...
Secretary Kerry: Secure a Global Agreement to Reduce Aviation's Carbon Pollution
The aviation sector shouldn't be left off the hook to help address global warming. Next week Secretary Kerry has the chance to help advance an international agreement to cut aviation's global warming pollution. It is time for his leadership on this issue. Continue reading...

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