Monday, April 8, 2013

20 Reasons To Love Mindfulness (According To Science)

April 8, 2013
Oh mindfulness meditation, how do we love thee? Let us count the ways.

Even though the academic research on mindfulness meditation isn't as robust as, say, nutrition or exercise, there is a reason why it's been around for literally thousands of years. And we're starting to get a better understanding of why it seems to be beneficial for so many aspects of life, from disease and pain management, to sleep, to control of emotions.  Continue reading...
Four Magic Words: Can You Help Me?
Here is how I see it, asking for help in the absolute knowing that we deserve to be helped, is one of the most loving things we can do for ourselves; not coming from a place of entitlement, or having the expectation that someone should help us, but more like an owning of the areas that we need assistance with. Continue reading...
Do We Need A Health Revolution?
We are raising a generation of Americans who don't know their way around a kitchen or how to prepare a meal from scratch. That is why I have invited everyone to join me in an Eat-In tomorrow, April 7. Continue reading...
The Top 10 Workout Songs For April
Collaborations reign in this month's workout playlist. Here's the full list, according to a poll on Run Hundred -- the web's most popular workout music blog. Continue reading...
What Your Dreams Are Trying To Tell You
When you nestle yourself into bed, turn off the bedside lamp and close your eyes to your daytime reality, your "conscious self" goes to sleep. Meanwhile, your "dreaming self" slips out of the covers and tiptoes upstairs to the attic of your mind to explore the enchanted realm of dreams. Continue reading...
A Meditation On Impermanence
There is a message here about impermanence. While I've heard it many times before, somehow every time an unexpected event happens or I receive unwelcome news, I have to learn the lesson all over again. We are not in control of so many things. Continue reading...

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