Friday, April 5, 2013

Keystone XL Stirs Montana Farmer's Climate Change And Crop Concerns

April 5, 2013
Last year proved too dry. The year before -- too wet. For Wade Sikorski of Fallon County, Mont., the years in which the weather is just right to grow food on his ranch seem to be increasingly few and far between.
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From Superbugs to Sustainability: a Fifth-Generation Producer's Mission to Raise Pigs without Antibiotics
With this award, I continue to share my life's purpose to educate, demonstrate, and evangelize the need for sustainable food systems that public health first. There's no greater joy than to give life to these new models of hope. Continue reading...
Obama's EPA: Cloak and Banner
The Obama administration has turned "transparency" from a buzzword to a fuzzword. The latest examples come from the Environmental Protection Agency. Continue reading...
Keystone XL: Obama the Pragmatist
Obama has learned that, as president, he only gets a fixed amount of political capital each year and has learned to ration it. Continue reading...
Christians Pray Over Enbridge Pipeline
We lamented the threat posed to indigenous people and lands in the path of the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline, a project that would carry oil from the Canadian oil sands to the Pacific Coast for shipment to Asia. We lamented our own entanglement in the complicated reality of oil. Continue reading...
Backcasting to the Future
The impact of 'backcasting' is palpable and transformative. The biggest 'ah-ha' moment from immersing oneself in a future world is a striking awareness of the interdependencies of all systems. Continue reading...

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