Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Margaret Thatcher's Climate Change Of Heart

April 9, 2013
In 1990, Margaret Thatcher emerged as one of the first world leaders to champion climate science, issuing a call to action to fight manmade global warming at the Second World Climate Conference hosted at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.
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Tar Sands Raw Deal: Arkansas Spill Is Another Reason to Say 'No' to Tar Sands Pipeline
Tar sands expansion rewards the oil industry while putting us all at risk of oil spills and climate change. That's a raw deal by any calculation. Continue reading...
Fresh, Healthy Food: Coming to a Corner Store Already Near You
While corner stores are often viewed negatively and blamed for contributing to the obesity epidemic, I've had the privilege over the past four years to view corner stores in a new light: as critical allies in improving the health of our communities. Continue reading...
Modern Environmentalism - 'People Would Rather Believe Than Know'
When E.O. Wilson said "people would rather believe than know", he perfectly summed up modern environmentalism; the movement which has been radicalised to the extent that its policies are now better described as anti-science, anti-business and even anti-human; not pro-environment. Continue reading...
Rogue Agency's Agent Investigated in Wolf Killing
The Southwest's endangered Mexican gray wolves -- with just three breeding pairs left in the wild -- are hanging on by a thread. The last thing they need is one of their own gunned down by an employee of the government that's supposed to be nursing this wild population back to health. Continue reading...
Ridding Schools of Fast Food, Junk Food, and Soda Pushers
Maintaining the presence of fast food, soft drink, and junk food companies in public schools sends all the wrong messages to children. These companies are eager to sell their products in schools because they want to get kids hooked at an early age, to ensure brand loyalty for life. Continue reading...

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