Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Cities With The Worst Air Pollution In The U.S.

April 24, 2013
Air quality continues to improve across the United States, but over 40 percent of Americans live in counties with unhealthy levels of particle or ozone pollution. The American Lung Association released their annual State of the Air report Wednesday, and cities across California are at the top of the list for those with the worst year-round particle pollution. Continue reading...
How Tech Helps and Harms the Environment
As we crave those new devices that I and other tech journalists frequently laud, we need to think of the total cost of ownership -- not just for us personally, but for the world and the planet we live on. Continue reading...
Holy Holocene, It's the Anthropocene
The ongoing debate over the "Age of Man" is a healthy one, but I am more concerned about what we are actually doing to mitigate and cope with the Anthropocene. And, here again, I come back to the importance of empowering women. Continue reading...
The Last Alaskan Rodeo
Last year, ADF&G announced that just under 29,000 tons of herring would be available to permit holders for the 2012 fishery -- by far the largest quota in the history of Sitka's sac roe fishery. Continue reading...
Earth Day vs. Tar Sands
If you love the Earth, you need to know some things about tar sands crude -- starting with how it would affect the climate of this wonderful planet we all share. Actually, "affect" is probably the wrong word. We're talking wholesale destruction. Continue reading...
12 Ways to Be Green for Earth Day, and Every Day
Climate change is one of those topics that practically dares you to step up to it. We know it exists and we know it's critical, but it's so enormous that it's hard to wrap your head around it. We see the receding ice caps and dwindling numbers of polar bears; we see the cyclones, floods, droughts and hurricanes -- yet somehow where it's all headed seems so far away. Continue reading...

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