Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Keystone XL's Approval Is A Throw Of The Dice In Much Bigger Gamble

May 28, 2013
An unscientific survey of one of the globe's largest novelty betting operations this week suggests that a variety of unorthodox and environmentally themed wagers are flourishing. Gamblers with money to burn can currently play the odds on whether Arctic sea ice will hit record lows this year, for example, or whether 2013 will prove to be the warmest year on record, as measured by the World Meteorological Organization (current odds on that: 7/2). Continue reading...
USDA Inspector General: Food Safety and Humane Slaughter Laws Ignored With Impunity
Every year, roughly 150 million cattle and pigs are slaughtered in our nation's slaughterhouses, and the one measly law that attempts to ensure some small decrease in their abuse is all-but-ignored by the agency charged with enforcing it. Even their top personnel don't understand what it says. Continue reading...
Q&A With Sir Richard Branson: Dialogues on the Environment
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In Malawi, Evangelicals Don't Doubt Climate Change
The river once teemed with fish and was lined by lush banana trees. Now it's a dry, scorched trail of barren sand. In Fombe village, Malawi, climate change is not a matter of political or scientific debate. It's a matter of survival. Continue reading...
Gina McCarthy's Nomination Deserves Strong Bipartisan Support
The EPA is the cop on the beat in charge of protecting the air we breathe and the water we drink. All across the country, families are counting on the EPA to guard against dangerous pollution in our air and water and toxic chemicals in our homes, food and everyday products. Continue reading...
The Trauma That Will Succeed the Tornadoes
After rescue efforts are exhausted and the recovery phase of a disaster begins, what might traumatic disorders look like in you or a loved one in the aftermath of the destruction? Continue reading...

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