Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Oil Spill Worries Linger After Pipeline Rupture

May 14, 2013
Genieve Long recalled the fear of waking to her 5-year-old son "wheezing and struggling to breathe" a few days after an oil spill hit her town of Mayflower, Ark. Continue reading...
Urban Resilience for a New Century
We can't know for sure when or where the next crisis will hit -- only that it will. But despite these certainties, most cities are woefully unprepared to manage these shocks. Now is the time to help cities build resilience. Continue reading...
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid
Sure, disaster porn is always good for ratings, but though a Superstorm Sandy may momentarily raise the specter of climate change, daily bulletins on the parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere apparently aren't Nielsen enough. Continue reading...
USDA Poultry Inspector Speaks Out Against Hazardous Chemical Use
Committed to bringing awareness to consumers and others working in her sector, Sherry Medina recently made the courageous decision to blow the whistle on Big Ag's liberal and unrestricted application of hazardous chemicals in poultry processing. Continue reading...
12 Ways Your Pet Can Improve Your Mental Health!
Somehow, my fur-baby can always gets me to smile, no matter how miserable or stressed I feel. I am not alone. It turns out that all pets, not just therapy pets, can help your mind, body, and spirit. Here are a dozen reasons why. Continue reading...
The Arsenic in Your Chicken
Why would anyone feed arsenic to chickens? Last week, a study by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future provided further evidence of the risks associated with arsenicals in animal agriculture. It's an entirely unnecessary threat to public health. Continue reading...

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