Friday, May 24, 2013

Remembering The Victims Of The Tornado

May 24, 2013
Why We Need to Fight for Tesla
Free market economics is touted by conservatives, and yet almost routinely now we are seeing legislation being introduced designed solely to block the competition that Tesla is bringing to the old guard. Continue reading...
Terracide and the Terrarists
To destroy our planet with malice aforethought, with only the most immediate profits on the brain, with only your own comfort and wellbeing (and those of your shareholders) in mind: Isn't that the ultimate crime? Continue reading...
Genetically Modified Foods and the Limits of Trade Agreements
What is free trade? Is free trade the removal of protectionism? Or does it mean creating a single market where all goods and services sold in one market can also be sold in other markets? Continue reading...
On Science, Politics and Climate Change
One reason you don't want to have politicians mucking around in the nuts and bolts of science is that they often have a shaky grasp of the science at best. Continue reading...
Mermaids on Animal Planet: What's Myth? What's Real?
Maybe we're asking the wrong question by just focusing on whether these haunting CGI merpeople are real or myth. The real question is: Why are we making our oceans too dangerous to sustain all life? Continue reading...

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