Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The First County To Ban Fracking

May 29, 2013
Mora County, a conservative ranching community in New Mexico, is the first U.S. county to ban the practice of fracking, according to reports from the Los Angeles Times. Wells are the only source of water in Mora, which is why last month officials announced a countywide ban on fracking citing water safety concerns. Continue reading...
LNG Exports: The Wrong Side of History
Future generations will be incredulous that we ever debated the wisdom of increasing LNG exports. The result will be higher domestic prices as well a lot more drilling for natural gas -- primarily by fracking. Continue reading...
As Belo Monte Dam Project Speeds Up, Indigenous Tribe Feels Pain
For over 20 years, the indigenous tribes of the Brazilian Amazon have protested the world's third-largest dam, the Belo Monte. Today, the Belo Monte is reaching peak construction. Continue reading...
Christie to Climate: Drop Dead
Christie received widespread praise for his determined, and anti-partisan, work to aid his citizens in the aftermath of superstorm Sandy. But when it comes to protecting his state against future extreme weather assaults, Christie morphs into another know-nothing partisan. Continue reading...
A Five-Part Strategy to Cap and Cut China's Coal Consumption
China now consumes nearly as much coal as the rest of the world combined. Although scaling up alternatives to coal may seem a formidable task, we believe China can cap and then cut its coal consumption in the next decade. Continue reading...
USDA Inspector General: Food Safety and Humane Slaughter Laws Ignored With Impunity
Every year, roughly 150 million cattle and pigs are slaughtered in our nation's slaughterhouses, and the one measly law that attempts to ensure some small decrease in their abuse is all-but-ignored by the agency charged with enforcing it. Even their top personnel don't understand what it says. Continue reading...

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