Join us on Monday evening, June 2nd for an exclusive conversation with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and French economist Thomas Piketty. Warren and Piketty both authored books on economic inequality that have vaulted to the top of the Amazon and New York Times best seller lists.
A Fighting Chance, by Warren, and Piketty's
Capital In The 21st Century have fueled a sense that a new economic populism may be gaining broad public support in the face of a flagging economy and yawning economic inequality.
To get an email when the interview goes live,
click here and then click "alert me when this goes live.”
If you live in Boston, you can attend the event live on Saturday, May 31st at
Boston’s Old South Meeting Hall. The conversation will begin at 10:00 a.m. and will be moderated by HuffPost DC Bureau Chief Ryan Grim. It is open to the public on a first-come, first-served basis, so come early. It will be Piketty's only public appearance during his visit to the United States.
To submit a question for Warren and/or Piketty, email or tweet
The event is being sponsored by
Patriotic Millionaires, a group of high-net-worth people advocating for higher taxes on themselves. Piketty proposes drastically hiking taxes on the rich as one of the means of reducing inequality.
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