Monday, July 9, 2012

Warmest 12 Months On Record For U.S. Mainland

Monday, July 9, 2012
Yes, it really is getting hot out there. A new report finds that the past 12 months have been the warmest on record for the mainland United States.
Western Wildfire Fight Continues
Climate Change's 'Equally Evil Twin'
Wildfire Seen From Space Station
Shark Fishing Statistics Higher Than Previously Thought
NY Fracking Debate Continues
John Pavley: The Environmental Cost of "Design First"
The dangerous nature of digital waste is not a new problem. In the early '00s EPEAT set standards for "green electronics." But this week tech industry thought leader Apple said they are opting out of the standard! Why did Apple drop out of green computing?
Nick Sundt: To Politicians Napping on the Fireline: Wake Up, Smell the Smoke and Act on Climate Change
These fires reflect unprecedented conditions. Atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases are the highest they have been in at least 800,000 years, largely the result of rapidly growing use of coal, oil and natural gas.
Olivia Bouler: 5 Green Ways to Kick Back This Summer
Consider trying one of these ideas to bring a little nature into your summer. It's the perfect time of year to get outside and experience what's happening in your world.
Ed Felker: Where the Yellowstone Goes
The film Where the Yellowstone Goes was always going to be a portrait of Yellowstone, and a beautiful portrait it is. But the film grew to be about much more than the river.
Jeff Biggers: Humanitarian Disaster From Electricity Crisis Grows in Coalfields, As Coal Baron Entertains PGA Golf Tour, Rock Stars
An estimated 90 Appalachian Power distribution substations were toppled last week. Since then, residents have attempted to fend off brutal summer temperatures without electricity, along with shortages of food, water and gas.

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