Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Wasting Money On Lunch.. Cookie Monster's 'Call Me Maybe'.. Pets Good For Kids

Tuesday, July 10, 2012
A new survey suggests more than half of Canadians head to a restaurant for lunch at least once a week — a habit that's costing many Canucks some serious dough.
'Share It Maybe': Cookie Monster's 'Call Me Maybe' Parody (VIDEO)
Pets Good For Kids: Children Raised With Dogs Found To Be Healthier
How To Clean Your Grill Using Household Items
17 Ways To Try To Be A Better Daughter
The Number Of Adults Who May Have Wine Intolerance
Timi Gustafson, R.D.: Our Stealthy Weapon Against China: Junk Food
A growing preference for Western-style fast food in Asian and Southeast Asian countries already shows an impact on their populations' health, and not in a good way, according a newly released study. During the study's 16-year follow-up period, 2,252 participants developed diabetes and 1,397 died of heart attacks or heart-related diseases.
Theresa Albert: Anthony Sedlak: The Chef Who Had "It"
I was so sorry to hear the Food Network chef Anthony Sedlak, was found dead in his Vancouver apartment. Anthony's talent and warmth came right through the camera. He was a teensy bit endearingly awkward off camera but, man, when the food was in his hands and the camera was on his grin, he could light you up.
Marina Sousa: Should You Have A Groom's Cake? Classic Tradition Becomes The Trend Again
Groom's cakes offer couples just one more chance to offer guests a sweet, decadent escape and they can often be a chance for a fun, personal note.
Franchesca Warren: How Women Use Sex as a Weapon
Think of this scenario that happens in bedrooms all across the world: As you climb into bed, your mate whispers to you, "Honey lets have sex." Still angry about the argument you had earlier, you roll over and reply, "I'm not in the mood" and go to sleep. Sex has just been used a weapon to punish your spouse.
Arthur Gallant: Why I'm Glad I Didn't Succeed At Ending My Life
My suicide attempts were five years apart and each time I felt emotional pain that was too deep to describe. To me, ending my life was the only way to solve my problems which I've learned is not the case. There's a classic saying that goes, "Live everyday as if it's your last." While mental illness and suicide are very challenging topics, we need to treat those around us as if today is their last day too -- with love and respect.

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