Thursday, September 6, 2012

Ben & Jerry's Sues Hardcore Porn Maker, Yelp Study, Corn Syrup vs. Sugar Drama And More

Thursday, September 6, 2012
Ben & Jerry's considers "Ben & Cherry's" in bad taste.

The ice cream maker that introduced the flavors Schweddy Balls and Karamel Sutra sued the maker of "Ben & Cherry's" X-rated DVDs Wednesday, saying the "hardcore pornographic" films have smeared its reputation.
Yelp Study Makes Bold Claim About Restaurants
In-N-Out Burger Lawsuit Claims Age, Race Discrimination By Popular Fast Food Chain
Chocolate Giant Disowns Deep-Fried Mars Bar, Demands Disclaimer
Food Companies Sue Sugar Industry, Say High Fructose Corn Syrup Being 'Unfairly Maligned'
World's Largest Cappuccino Created By 150-Year-Old Coffee Shop
Frances Moore Lappe: Stanford Scientists Shockingly Reckless on Health Risk And Organics
Simple prudence should have prevented these scientists from using "evidence" not designed to capture what they wanted to know.
Dawn Sweeney: Replacing Hunger With Health
Having access to ample nutritious food is critical to a child's healthy development -- especially as it relates to their physical health, cognition, academic performance, and emotional and social well-being.
Robyn O'Brien: Organic Food vs. Conventional: What the Stanford Study Missed
Stanford's report that organic foods may not be much healthier or more nutritious than their conventional counterparts has caused quite a stir. Food, clean from antibiotics, growth hormones and pesticide residue, should be a basic human right.
Richard Horan: A Community Garden of My Own
Next there were a few members on the board who seemed to know a lot more about such things than I, and they asked with puzzled looks: "Who would want to drive all the way out there just to garden?" Me and other gardeners like me, I suggested. That made them all laugh.
Zama Coursen-Neff: The Hidden Victims of Tobacco
2012-08-28-scblog2.pngWorkers absorb tobacco through the skin, especially when the leaves are wet, when the person is working hard, and when surrounding temperatures are hot.

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