Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Justice Department Accuses BP Of 'Gross Negligence' In 2010 Gulf Oil Spill

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

By David Ingram

WASHINGTON, Sept 4 (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department is ramping up its rhetoric against BP PLC for the massive 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, describing in new court papers examples of what it calls "gross negligence and willful misconduct."
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Conserving our ocean fish populations is a prudent economic investment. The converse is also true: Overfishing is bad economic policy.
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2012-08-28-scblog2.pngWorkers absorb tobacco through the skin, especially when the leaves are wet, when the person is working hard, and when surrounding temperatures are hot.
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This attack is shameful because global warming is the gravest preventable threat to our children's health and well-being -- and because Romney said it in Tampa, which is among the U.S. cities most threatened by global warming and sea level rise.
Richard Branson: To Win the Drug War: Follow the States
2012-08-28-scblog2.pngThe war on drugs has had a devastating impact in the U.S. Yet, as Republicans and Democrats gather at their national conventions, neither party has taken a strong stand on the critical need to support drug policy reform. And that's surprising. Drug reform is not a partisan issue. For Republicans, reform efforts both ensure and secure states' rights and at the same time minimize waste of limited federal dollars. For Democrats, minorities who make up a large portion of their constituency disproportionately bear the greatest burden of current drug policies. And a Gallup Poll this past year found that fully 50 percent of Americans now support legalizing marijuana.

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