Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Nuclear Power Whistleblowers Sound Alarm On Secrecy Among Feds

Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Richard H. Perkins and Larry Criscione are precise and formal men with more than 20 years of combined government and military service. Perkins held posts at the Department of Energy and the National Nuclear Security Administration before joining the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Division of Risk Analysis in 2008. Criscione landed at the agency a year later, after five years aboard the USS Georgia as a submarine warfare officer.
Judge Tosses Spill Claims Against Corexit Dispersant Maker
Fossil Fuel Subsidies In Focus At Doha Climate Talks
U.S. Plans First Offshore Wind Lease Auctions
UK-Sized Area Reportedly Deforested In Amazon In Decade After 2000
Native American Group Contests Pipeline Construction
Frances Beinecke: It's Time to Cut Carbon Pollution From Power Plants, Here's How We Do It
America is known for facing challenges head on and solving them with action, resourcefulness and innovation. We must do the same with the climate crisis.
Rachel Smolker: A 'Sustainable' Military?
This past week, the Senate voted to strike language from the National Defense Authorization Act that would have limited military use of biofuels
Bill Chameides: 'The Deadliest War:' An Environmental Connection
A mix of factors, ranging from the ethnic to the territorial and political, can be pointed to as the root cause of the Congo War. John Prendergast also points to another: greed abetted by Congo's rich supply of four lucrative metals -- gold, tin, tungsten and tantalum, all used in modern electronics.
Stacy Mitchell: How Walmart Is Devouring Our Food System (Infographic)
Here's a look at how Walmart has dramatically altered the food system -- triggering massive consolidation, driving down prices to farmers, and leaving more families struggling to afford healthy food.
Tom Engelhardt: The Barack Obama Story (Updated)
Dear President Obama, Don't these "accomplishments" of yours sometimes amaze you? Don't you ever wake up in the middle of the night wondering just who you are?

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