Friday, February 22, 2013

10 Things I've Decided Not To Stress About

February 22, 2013
By Sarah Klein

Cortisol is a brute. I can pinpoint the stress hormone's impact on my life. It's made me sick, it's made me cry at nothing, it's made me dream I was being killed by family members... It's truly demonic.

Which is why I refuse to let cortisol win. I firmly believe that we can choose to think positively or negatively about each day, and that it's never too late to make it a good one. Worrying won't change anything, but staying positive just might. Thoughts become things, after all. And with cortisol, those thoughts can become -- frightening, but true -- cancer, depression or a number of other serious medical conditions. So, to do my part in the fight against all things stressful, here are a few I've given myself permission not to get so uptight about. Continue reading...
This Is What Vegans Eat
Very few of us were raised vegan, so at some point, we did make a lifestyle switch. When you first go vegan, it's common to have cravings left over from the pre-vegan days, and it's fun to try to "veganize" old favorites. Here are some traditional meals and treats gone vegan. Continue reading...
A Decade Thriving With Cancer
As I meditate on the impact that illness has had on my life, I realize I'm a better, more grateful woman today because of cancer. I was asleep at the wheel before cancer shook me awake. And though there's still no cure, I continue to live harmoniously with cancer. Continue reading...
America's Healthcare Crisis: A Prescription for Breaking the Cycle
Even as physicians reimagine the practice of medicine, we must adhere to the same principles that we swore an oath to -- to practice medicine ethically and honestly, and to serve humanity. And unless we, as healthcare professionals, take the time to do this reimagining, it will be done by those who have not taken the same oath, and whose approach to reimagining medicine is driven by other motivating factors. Continue reading...
4 Steps to Conquer Your Inner Critic
When we fail to identify and separate from this inner critic, we allow it to impact our behavior and shape the direction of our lives. So how can we challenge this inner voice? Continue reading...
Steven Brill Health Care Article Paints Bleak Portrait Of Health Care
Time magazine this week is out with a mammoth, 24,000-word story on the state of the U.S. health care system written by Steven Brill. According to the story, Brill spent seven months researching why health care costs so much in America. Continue reading...

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