Thursday, February 21, 2013

Bird And Rat Infestations Raise Disease Risks, Climate Change Concerns

February 21, 2013
When Rick Ostfeld heard about the sky-darkening flocks of birds descending this winter on Hopkinsville, Ky., he couldn't help but think of Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds." Continue reading...
Oceana Uncovers Rampant Seafood Fraud Across United States
Imagine yourself at a restaurant ready to order your favorite dish and being told by your server that there is a one in three chance you will not receive the same item that is on the menu. Would you order it anyway? Continue reading...
Can Artificial Trees Help Take Carbon Dioxide Out of the Air?
Climatologists tell us that the climate change train has long since left the station, but perhaps it is not yet too late to prevent it from accelerating beyond our capacity to cope. Continue reading...
The Expansion of the Dirtiest Fuel on the Planet Hinges on the Keystone XL Pipeline
Climate change is already threatening our communities with extreme weather and costly damages. Fortunately President Obama has the power to stop a major source of global warming pollution from spreading: tar sands oil. Continue reading...
Supervisor John Avalos: Forward on Climate Change
Now more than ever we have to be warriors for our environment. Remember the future. Think generations ahead. All life is precious, and only a growing national and global movement for real system change will make the difference. Continue reading...
Activist Wendy Paulson on Global Leadership
What does it take to make a global leader? For Wendy Judge Paulson, lifelong activist and chairman emerita of the worldwide conservation organization Rare, qualities include "intellectual curiosity, fearless tackling of hard questions," and, more unusually, "ecological literacy." Continue reading...

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