Monday, March 11, 2013

Clean Energy's Collateral Damage

March 11, 2013
Is kickstarting a clean-energy industry and accelerating a movement away from fossil fuels worth the expense of, say, a few desert tortoises or a collection of piping plovers? If so, how many of these threatened species would you be willing to sacrifice to build a commercial wind farm, or a utility-scale solar array? Continue reading...
President Obama Should Abandon the All of the Above Energy Strategy
The surest sign that President Obama is willing to make renewable energy a priority will be when we stop hearing about "all of the above" and start hearing about the need to set priorities and make choices. Continue reading...
Greedy Lying Bastards: The Movie Exxon and the Koch Brothers Hope You Don't See (VIDEO)
The long legacy of denial and deception by the legion of fossil doom will never be erased. They know who they are. We know exactly who they are. And we know exactly they have done. Greedy Lying Bastards is the most complete telling of this story to date. Continue reading...
23-Year-Old Roughneck's Death Highlight Risks of $100K Jobs in Oil and Gas
Oil and gas drilling sites are among the most dangerous workplaces in the United States. Since 2006, some 652 workers have died in the oilfields, often due to highway crashes, being struck by equipment, falls from great heights, electrocution and other mishaps. Continue reading...
What's That Smell?
Too many people -- especially politicians -- aren't paying attention to the dangers of the current "boom" in natural gas development. Here are three big reasons why we should stop new gas drilling and replace fossil fuels at every opportunity with clean, renewable energy. Continue reading...
Rail Is Not an Alternative to the Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline
Expansion depends on tar sands being able to reach the high prices of overseas markets. But pipelines to the east and west are stalled and rail - as we will show here - is not an economically viable alternative to Keystone XL. Continue reading...

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