Monday, March 11, 2013

It's National Napping Day! 6 Healthy Reasons To Snooze Today

March 11, 2013
Forget feeling sluggish and wasting time cyber-loafing today. Instead, celebrate National Napping Day, an unofficial holiday -- really, a gift -- that acknowledges that, yes, we are all feeling a little sleepy today after turning the clocks forward this weekend.

We have Boston University professor William Anthony, Ph.D. and his wife Camille to thank for creating National Napping Day in 1999. "Our goal is to encourage folks to take a nap wherever they may be, at home, at the workplace or on vacation, and to make it a regular part of their healthy lifestyle," Anthony said in a statement. "It is a day when nappers all over the country need to lie down and be counted."

Of course, sleep in general has a wide range of health benefits, from protection against heart disease and obesity to stronger bones and memory. But napping has some particular perks all its own. Below are six healthy reasons to indulge in a siesta today. It doesn't have to be long -- even just 20 minutes of daytime shut-eye can make a world of difference. Continue reading...
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