Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Keystone XL May Only Support 35 Permanent Jobs, New Report Says

March 6, 2013
If President Barack Obama approves the Keystone XL project, the 875-mile pipeline extension from the oil sands in Alberta, Canada, through Nebraska could create an array of environmental problems. It could also provide jobs for some of the 12 million unemployed Americans -- hundreds of thousands of them -- according to some supporters of the project and TransCanada, the company behind it. Continue reading...
Fracking Is No Breakthrough
. As long as we are stuck in the simplistic mindset that we can only advance coal or natural gas as our main energy sources, we will never have any meaningful movement on climate change. Continue reading...
An Heirloom Potato Primer
Here, I've explored a few types of potatoes, which of all things are flourishing in multiple shapes, colors and variety -- yes, right now, in the dearth of mid-winter's dullness. Continue reading...
Obama's Pipeline Decision an Easy One
If Barack Obama approves the pipeline, he may be remembered as just another president following the form of his predecessors in making the obvious short-term economic decision. He'll be remembered as someone who went back on his word to fight climate change in a big way. Continue reading...
Tattoos and Botox Have More in Common Than You Think
They're both body art, and their respective consumers are changing the way we live, work, eat, play and spend. Continue reading...
Have a Cold One, Brought to You By the Foodopoly
Who controls your beer might seem a frivolous question on the surface, but who controls our food supply is no laughing matter. The DOJ must work to prevent the expansion of the food monopolies to protect consumers. The beer market is no exception, and the DOJ should take a stand and block this merger. Continue reading...

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