Friday, July 6, 2012

How To Stay Cool.. The Coolest Cop Ever.. Ban On McDonald's At Olympics?

Friday, July 6, 2012
If you live in southern Ontario or Quebec, you've probably been sweltering for the last few days. Temperatures have cracked 30 C for most of the week and Friday is going to be just as hot. Worst of all, there doesn't seem to be any relief in sight.
WATCH: Coolest Cop Ever? Bust Turns Into Jam In Alberta Woods
Ban Called For McDonald's And Coca-Cola At London Olympics
This Vitamin's Bone-Bracing Power
Historians Predict Royal Baby For Will & Kate In August 2013
Tricked Out Popcorn Flavors
Colette Kenney: WHY Won't he Propose?
OK, it's been covered before, but women still have questions (all the time!) about just why men won't propose. What is it about the act that freaks men out and makes women weak in the knees? A conversation with a married man helped clear things up a bit...
Candice Olson: A Prize-Winning Living Space for a Family of Boxers
Kim and Rey moved into a charming bungalow and started to renovate, but were stumped when they got to their main living space -- a long, narrow living and dining room. The room was empty, uninspiring and full of flamboyant colours chosen by the previous homeowners. She wanted this space to be a warm, welcoming and livable room for family and friends. And with some paint and a vision, I made it happen.
Lisa Belkin: Parenting Experts Learn To Play Nicely With Others
Maybe all the sniping and hair-splitting, the need to name every parental choice and write a book about it -- perhaps that was the storm before our social leap? Maybe the convergence of views means we might move on from parallel play to playing nicely with others?
Erika Katz: How to Raise a Confident Girl in a World of Photoshopped Models
My daughter does not even read magazines but the girls on television that are popular are impossibly thin while the heavier girl is either funny or obnoxious. These images trickle into our children's minds and they meanly call other kids fat or tell them they are not pretty. As a parent, how do you build your child's self esteem when it feels the world is trying to destroy it? Here are some tips that I have found really help girls to be positive and confident.
Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld: An Attack on Circumcision is an Attack on Jewish Culture
The Jewish and Muslim communities have recently expressed international outrage and concern about a German court ruling that apparently limits the freedom of those wishing to practice a ritual circumcision. Any attack upon this ritual should be viewed -- and has historically been viewed -- as an existential attack upon the Jewish people. But it is not entirely clear that circumcision is under attack in Germany...

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