Monday, April 30, 2012

Yoga In Schools.. Does Handwriting Matter Anymore?.. Coolest Starbucks Stores

Monday, April 30, 2012
A former physical education teacher is helping to bring a successful project of teaching yoga to high school students to schools across New Brunswick.
Does Handwriting Matter Anymore?
Makeover Your Takeout: 10 Ways To Order Healthier Pizza, Pasta
Another Reason Why Dark Chocolate (In Moderation!) Is Good For You
The World's Coolest Starbucks Stores
Avery's Bucket List: Parents' Website For Infant With Spinal Muscular Atrophy Goes Viral
Meghan Telpner: 10 Ways to Cut Down on Your Food Waste
Food waste is an enormous problem that costs us money, drives up food prices, depletes environmental resources like water and land, and is just downright unnecessary. But there is hope, my friends. There are tons of ways that you can reduce food waste in the kitchen that will save you time, money and your appetite.
Dr. Michael J. Breus: How Sleep-Friendly Is Your Bedroom?
As much as we may appreciate our bedrooms as a retreat and a haven, the poll shows we're still not actually getting enough sleep there.
Glennon Melton: Bragging Rights
Craig and I have a steadfast rule -- no bragging to anyone except each other or the grandparents. Basically, our rule means that we keep our mouths shut in public and then we talk in bed about how our kids are better than anyone else's kids in the whole entire world.
Meg Jay: 9 Ways Twentysomethings Screw Up Their Lives
Your 20s are a time when the things you do -- and the things you don't do -- will have an enormous effect across years and even generations to come. Here are 9 things that so many twentysomethings do that mess up their lives.
Lisa Arends: Rewrapping Divorce as a Gift
I was with my husband for 16 years. Sixteen good years. Little did I know a tsunami was forming beneath the placid surface of our marriage.

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