Monday, May 7, 2012

8 Sneaky Ways To Drink More Water

Monday, May 7, 2012
By now you probably know that drinking your daily dose of H2O keeps your body running properly, your skin clear and may even help you lose weight.

But there still isn't a set-in-stone answer when it comes to the question of just how much water we need to drink each day. Some people will tell you to drink eight glasses, while others call that "nonsense." Others will tell you to divide your body weight in half and drink that number, in ounces, of water every day. And depending on the weather or your level of physical activity or whether or not you're pregnant, you might need even more than usual.

In 2004, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) established that healthy adult women need around 91 ounces of total water and healthy adult men need about 125 ounces every day. But "total" water counts the water in other beverages, as well as the liquid in hydrating, high-water-volume foods. About 80 percent of our daily water intake comes from beverages, and the remaining 20 percent comes from the foods we eat.

In honor of Drinking Water Week, we've rounded up some quick-and-easy ways to add more water to your daily routine.
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