Friday, July 27, 2012

Hottest Canadian Athletes.. Where Online Harassment Begins.. Why 9-5 Shifts Can Be Harmful

Friday, July 27, 2012
Of all types of people in the world, athletes are certainly considered to be the height of physical perfection, toned and lean and, yes, blessed with a certain genetic superiority when it comes to looks. So it should be no surprise that the men and women in London to represent their countries at the Olympic Games are particularly attractive.

50 Olympic Opening Ceremony Flag Bearers
11 Places Online Harassment Starts
All In The Family: Olympic Siblings And Couples
How Many People Actually Have Their HIV Under Control?
Another Reason It's Called The Graveyard Shift?
Keryl Pesce: The Surprising Thing that Spices Up a Long-Term Relationship
When in a relationship, be it long-term dating, live-in or married, multiple dynamics are at play that determine how healthy, fresh and happy it is. As opposed to lack of attention on our significant other being an issue, the challenge some couples face is too little time spent engaged in activities outside of their relationship. Whatever your source of staleness or sameness, there are some simple dos and don'ts to keep it fresh, alive and healthy.
Jason Tetro: 2012 Olympics: Let the Germs Begin
2012-07-25-olympicbanner.pngThe Games represent a unique opportunity for the world to share its germs and for public health officials to find a way to stem the tide of infection. The fear of germs has recently been raised to a level not seen since the days of SARS or the pandemic flu. It's now a matter of time to see whether the fears will be realized or fade away as the athletic achievements take over.
Minnow Hamilton: Party Like a (Savvy) Champion
2012-07-25-olympicbanner.pngWe've got an idea that's worthy of a gold medal -- and we're sure your little athletes will agree. When it comes to the next birthday party in your household, place first on the podium by throwing a party like a champion.
Arthur Gallant: Can Bullying Lead to Mental Illness?
For the past few years my personal and professional contacts that work with teens and young adults have wondered aloud if bullying can lead to mental illness. Researchers are starting to question the same thing and various studies are suggesting childhood bullying can lead to psychosis and paranoia.
Jessica Holmes: Seven Ways to Enjoy Your Children More
My kids are extremely outgoing and love initiating new activities. I, on the other hand, have a shorter attention span since becoming a mom. Below is a list of seven things the hubby and I initiated that have turned our "please, for the love of Jebediah, chill out!!!" attitude into genuine laughter and a [slightly] more relaxed atmosphere.

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