Thursday, February 28, 2013

Watchdogs Question Fracking Industry Conflicts Of Interest With Regulators

February 28, 2013
After facing heat from fellow residents of Red Wing, Minn., over his ties with an industry group intent on increasing frac sand mining in the state, the town's mayor, Dennis Egan, announced this week that he would step down. Continue reading...
Humanity and Justice for All
I never had any intentions of putting horse on my menu just for the sake of it. If found a livestock farmer raising them humanely, I would consider it. Until then, I'll keep investigating all sides of the matter, unlike the people calling for my colleagues' and my heads on a platter. Continue reading...
Forecasting Change: Art's Window Into the Climate Crisis
Here is a discussion of personal climate journeys and ways that art and science can cooperate in changing minds about a changing planet. Continue reading...
Tell the FDA You Eat It Raw
What should farmers do to make sure fruits and vegetables are safe to eat? That's the question at the core of listening sessions being held by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The agency is seeking comments on the proposed new Food Safety Modernization Act rules. Continue reading...
More Data, Fewer Antibiotics Are Keys to Fighting Deadly Superbugs
As our lawmakers in the Senate discuss the fees that companies will pay to help the FDA expedite drug reviews, they should also require those companies to provide information that helps the agency protect people from drug-resistant superbugs. Continue reading...
Eco-preneurs Need to Look to Larger Retailers to Create Change
Too often the highest aspirations of young eco-preneurs I meet are to sell their products into Whole Foods Market. To effect real, fundamental change, shouldn't we be focusing on the mainstream? Continue reading...

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